Friday, June 5, 2009

[Chapter One] Lost Items: First my debit card, and then my virginity

I'm sitting on the couch in my living room that overlooks a small city's skyline. Some television show is on National Geographic telling me it's my fault that the world is on it's way to the dumpster. Go figure. I never knew that I was directly responsible for the greenhouse effect and the holes in the o-zone (considering I ride my bike almost everywhere, it's a surprise to me). I'll let that one slide natgeotv, but only for now until I feel like dumping all my problems on you but wait! I'm not the media. Instead I am Hilary and I'm 21 years old. I'm a photographer (I took the photo above) and a lover (in more ways than one). Recently I moved to Kansas City and I guess I'm just looking for a place to dump my problems into, instead of the general public like National Geographic. I'm not blaming you, Strool Pieta, for anything particular. Infact, I have almost nothing to complain about. I moved here to be closer to my fiance that I missed dearly. I had done a long distance relationship once before, and it didn't work out. I realized after it that you need to be by your love for it to work, hence my move and my new life change. Right now, I guess I just miss my family and friends from home. Ultimately that's all I have complaint wise. One day though, the time will come when I'll need someone to talk to about more important matters and I wont have anyone at the moment I need it, so I'll bitch about the ozone layer to you Strool Pieta, who will always have an open ear for my voice. That's all for now. x